December 2, 2022 - January 31, 2023 (60 days) Closed
Last updated
The posting to seek comments for the 2023 update of the Roadside Design Manual (2023 RDM) is closed. 21 comments were received related to the manual update undertaking. Comments and responses are attached. The 2023 RDM will be updated to reflect edits as a result of comments received and then published in the MTO Technical Publications website.
Thank you for providing comments. The responses are attached. As a result of consultation, two documents have been revised. The revised documents are attached.
The updated Qualification Procedures for ESP’s will be published with the revisions to the Qualification Criteria for Foundation Engineering Category in Appendix B7.
Apply a payment adjustment based on changes to the ministry’s asphalt cement (PGAC) price index, so MTO can establish the payment adjustment per tonne of new PGAC used in the CIREAM for each month in which CIREAM paving occurs when the price index for the month differs by more than 5% from the index for the month prior to tender opening.
Apply a payment adjustment based on changes to the ministry’s asphalt cement (PGAC) price index, so MTO can establish the payment adjustment per ton of new PGAC used in the CIR for each month in which CIR paving occurs when the price index for the month differs by more than 5% from the price index for the month prior to tender opening.
As part of the specification publication process, Engineering Materials Office (EMO) Concrete Section and Structures Office are submitting OPSS 1217 for external stakeholders’ consultation prior to publishing this new specification.
As part of the specification publication process, Engineering Materials Office (EMO) Concrete Section and Structures Office are submitting OPSS 1215 for external stakeholders’ consultation prior to publishing the updated version.
MTO has incorporated the comments received from the industry in the revised drafts of the drawings. These drawings will be later on published on MTO’s Technical Publication website.
Payment adjustment will be applied for granular sealer and tack coat based on changes of MTO’s PGAC price index. The PGAC price index as published monthly on the Contract Bulletin is compared to the price index prior to tender opening to determine the payment adjustment. The PGAC content in the materials (tack coat or granular sealer) is calculated based on the formulae in the NSSP, and the calculated PGAC will be used as the quantity to determine the payment adjustment for the tender item of granular sealer or tack coat.
Based on the feedback from the consultation process, the new Special Provision for Payment Adjustment for Changes in the Steel Price Index has been edited or clarifications were provided in response to comments where editing was not required. The special provision will be finalized and published as a SP199 series special provision.