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As someone who travels from North Bay to Kapuskasing very often, I 110% support this pilot project and hope that it becomes the standard across all of HWY 11 North. Read more

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The realization that there are serious road condition problems and maintenance problems on Hwy 11 north of North Bay has been way too long coming. I congratulate the current government for starting the much needed work, albeit on an election year. Read more

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Bonjour, Je ne suis pas d’accord avec la liste des deux choix recommandés pour les endroits pour projet pilote 2+1. Étant donné leur location très proche de chacun sur la route 11, ne serait t-i’ll mieux approprier d’avoir choisi un lieu différent pour un second projet pilote. Read more

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I beleive this a good start but it really is just a needle in hay stack. I fear for my life and the life of my loved once like never before!!! I was raised in Northern Ontario and what is happening now is out of control!! Read more

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Article on says you're looking for input on which location to do the 2+1 pilot project. I would like to see it from Sand Dam Rd to Ellesmere Rd. Thank you. Crystal McLeod North Bay, ON 705-845-8844 Read more

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Hello: Thank you for initiating this project. Either one of the pilots is a good idea, but will state a preference of Sand Dam to Ellesmere Road. Thank you.

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I support the test area to be from 64 to Jumping Carribou. It is a more central section of the highway between North Bay and Temagami. Also a longer section. Drew Mitchell

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This project should be also from North Bay to Hearst, Ontario. When you leave Ottawa in the morning everything go well but when you get to North Bay it is awful. You never know when we will arrived in Hearst because of the 2 Lanes and the speed Limit of 90 km an hour. Read more

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La route 11 est bondée de camions lourds, ce qui ne facilite pas la circulation. L'hiver , les conditions routières ne contribuent pas à la sécurité. Egalement la conduite dangereuse de certains camionneurs sur la route 11 est un sujet qui dure depuis très longtemps. Mais rien n'est faite. Read more

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I travel this corridor six times a year and have always had concerns with the lanes and traffic flows. I’ve had many close calls over the years with people coming over the centre line and driving in the wrong lanes around turns. This is so important to segregate traffic. Read more

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After reading about the ministry 's plan for 1 of 2 options for the 2+1 highway plan I would love to see both and also it being put in place between Temiskaming Shores and Englehart. Read more

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As an operator who drives dangerous goods up that highway almost every day, the area between Highway 64 and Temagami would be the best place to start since that is far more dangerous in the winter and for passing than around Sand Dam Rd.

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I commute from Guelph to Temagami on a regular basis. My ancestors were the first to travel to this area in the north starting in 1896 and were involved in creating the highway 11 route some years later. So I suppose this is close to me. Read more

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Yes I think after driving the four lanes highway to Toronto so easy and nice to drive,I also think that it would be a lot easier and safer to have a 2+1 highway in the north and also much cheaper Thanks

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This is a FANTASTIC idea. As someone who drives Highway 11 regularly it’s frustrating getting stuck behind line ups of vehicles unable to pass. At least two to three times per round trip I also see extremely risky behaviour on the part of drivers to pass often putting themselves and others at risk. Read more

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It’s about time something is done about our highways. To much truck going way to fast not giving a chance to other trafic. They are travelling in caravans. I know that way back that was not allowed to be in caravans. Read more

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If you're only picking one section for the pilot project, as someone who lives on and travels these stretches of road, I would suggest the Hwy 64 to Jumping Caribou section be the priority. Read more

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I have lost many loved ones on this stretch of highway. The combination of lack of shoulders, unprepared/ untrained transport drivers, weather conditions, wildlife…but you know what? it’s always about the amount of transports on this section of highway between north bay and temiskaming shores…. Read more