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910.04.02.05 “Test results shall be provided for relaxation testing of prestressing steel bars for the same heat number as the material supplied for the work” - Does it also apply to strand?

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910.05.02.01 “The diameter of a duct, or an equivalent diameter of a non-circular duct, shall not exceed 40% of the least gross concrete section thickness at the location of the duct.” - This requirement is a structure design requirement, not a PT system requirement

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910.05.03.01 “The pre-packaged dry grout mixtures shall be used within 6 months of packaging and shall be stored on site for a maximum of 1 month” - duration on site should be increased to 6 months, with proper storage conditions 910.06.02 Grouting equipment Read more

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910.07.01 “Personnel employed or licensed by the manufacturer of the post-tensioning system shall carry out the work” - we recommend an external certificate such as PTI level 1 as minimum

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910.07.05.01 “For anchorages and couplers, samples shall be selected by the Contract Administrator on a random basis.” - very unspecific. How many? Sizes? For what purpose?