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Good afternoon,

In proposed MTOD 912.317 there is a reference to proposed MTOD 912.112 in section A-A for the post and block.
In proposed MTOD 912.318 there is a reference to OPSD 912.127 in Section A-A for the post and block.

I am familiar with OPSD 912.127, which is the current Type M guide rail post, with holes 180mm from the top for mounting steel beam guide rail and a block measuring 145mm x 360mm x 195mm (Both Routed Wood and Plastic Blocks are options in this specification).

Proposed MTOD 912.318 references OPSD 912.127.

Proposed MTOD 912.317 - half post spacing - references a new block/post specification MTOD 912.112. The Post/Block referenced in proposed MTOD 912.112 depicts a steel post with two sets of holes (One set 180mm from the top, and the other set is 300mm below the upper set of holes). Proposed MTOD 912.112 also depicts a routed wood block that is 145mm x 255mm x 145mm, with no option for plastic offset block.

Two questions: When installing proposed MTOD 912.317 are we to install posts per MTOD 912.112 that have additional holes below the guide rail mounting holes? Secondly, is the specification accurate that we are using shortened routed wood blocks with no option of a plastic equivalent?

If possible please reference the TTI report number as I did not see it in the submission.