This notice is about a decision that was not subject to the normal consultation process. Learn more about the types of notices on the Technical Consultation Portal.
Why consultation isn't required
The Qualification Committee procedures outline the procedures followed for the operation of the Qualification Committee and the duties of the Secretary. These procedures are intended to guide the members of the Committee to ensure that the purpose, intent, integrity and fairness of the Committee are maintained. The contents of the Procedures have been approved by the Committee members and are not subject to external comments. The procedures should be posted to inform the stakeholders of the updated contents.
Exception details
The Qualification Committee Procedures outline the procedures followed for the operation of the Qualification Committee and the duties of the Secretary. These procedures are intended to guide the members of the Committee to ensure that the purpose, intent, integrity and fairness of the Committee are maintained. The contents of the Procedures are subject to review and revisions by the Committee members periodically.
The Qualification Committee Procedures have been updated to reflect the following changes. Updated Procedures in tracked changes are attached.
• Updated Section 2.1 QC Membership and Structure: MTO Chief Engineer to be the Chair and TIMD
ADM to be the Vice-Chair.
• Updated Section 2.2 Qualification Committee Meeting Operations:
o At the meeting the Contractor or ESP can have up to three representatives.
o Contractor or ESP is allowed a sixty-minute presentation.
o Up to two ministry representatives to attend the meeting.
o For Operations-Division-related items, Director of Highway Operations Management Branch
must be present at meeting.
• Added QC key intended
outcomes in section 2.3 QC Roles and Duties.
• Added requirements for bid disqualification in Sections 2.3.2 Bid Withdrawals / Disqualification and
3.2.2 Bid Withdrawals /
• Updated Section 3.2 to include Secretary role to share improvement plan/ report back with ministry’s
issuing office for review and feedback.
• Updated audit frequency in Section 3.2.9 Review of Qualification Committee Activities related to
Infractions from biennial to every five years.