2025 Publication Date for OPSS PROV 127 Equipment Rental Rates

TCP number
Notice type
Posted by
Contract Management Office
Notice stage
Proposal posted
Comment period
September 18, 2024 - October 16, 2024 (28 days) Open
Last updated

This consultation closes at 11:59 p.m. on:
October 16, 2024

Proposal summary

MTO is seeking feedback on the proposed change to the publication date of OPSS PROV 127 from April to July starting in 2025, allowing MTO to better align with timing of the inputs to the rate calculations. MTO is not changing OPSS PROV 127 and MTO is not looking for comments for the OPSS PROV 127 at this time.

Proposal details

The Ministry of Transportation, (MTO) is responsible for publishing the Ontario Provincial Standard Specification, (OPSS PROV 127) Schedule of Rental Rates for Construction Equipment.
The rates represent the cost of operating construction equipment in Ontario including all costs of ownership, overheads, and profit. These rates are used to determine compensation for equipment rental under the Time and Material basis of payment for MTO contracts.
Currently the specification is published annually on the MTO, Technical Publications website in the month of April.
MTO is proposing to change the publication date of OPSS PROV 127 to July starting in 2025.
The OPSS 127 attached is for information purposes only. MTO is not changing OPSS PROV 127 and MTO is not looking for comments for the OPSS PROV 127 at this time. MTO is looking for comments on the publication date.


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