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On page 2 of 9 under the second paragraph of Section "Programming of Work - Identification of Flagging Needs" it says, "...on railway property. MTO Regional Engineering Services Office should..." Consider removing the period between "property" and "MTO".

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On page 2 of 9 under the first paragraph of Section "Programming of Work - Identification of Flagging Needs", consider clarifying "Railway Representatives" and "Rail Coordinator". Possibly unclear for new / unfamiliar people: - Is "Railway Representative" synonymous with "Rail Coordinator"? Read more

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On page 2 of 9 under Section "Programming of Work - Identification of Flagging Needs", consider clarifying what to do in instances where flagging may be needed outside of a design or construction situation (e.g. regularly scheduled and/or emergency structural inspections). Read more

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On page 2 of 9 under Section "Programming of Work - Identification of Flagging Needs" it says, "...Contract Services Section should submit a separate Purchase Order Number for flagging requests." Is "Number" a typo, assuming if the process is you fill out a form (i.e. Read more

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On page 2 of 9 under Section "Programming of Work - Identification of Flagging Needs" the second paragraph essentially says: - Who prepares a Purchase Order during design - Who gets a Purchase Order during design (i.e. MTO PM) - Who prepares a Purchase Order during construction Read more

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Consider spelling out acronyms only the first time they appear in the document (e.g. project manager) and then afterwards only using the acronym. There are spots throughout the document where an acronym has been spelled out multiple times and/or not used when it cold have been.