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Thank you for giving us the opportunity to comment on the selection process for the proposed 2-1 Highway pilot project that is going to be constructed between Temagami and North Bay. As Mayor of Temagami one of my concerns during my term is Highway safety. I have had the opportunity to take part in the Team HWY 11 North working group since it was established. This Group was set up as a result of Hwy 11 concerns raised at local Police Boards which I also am involved with and was a way for us to be able to discuss items of concerns, be updated on MTO plans and also to provide input on to how to make HWY 11 safer. If you have noted concerns being expressed on social media Hwy 11 safety is a concern being expressed by many. It is easy to complain but I know there are people in our area who are interested in coming up with better solutions.. Yes some additional maintenance or some additional snow plowing always can help but a common vision shared among many Mayors in our region is the transition of Hwy 11 to a 2-1 Highway from North Bay to Nipigon is a must. I have lived in Northeastern Ontario all my life and have driven HWY 11 for years and it needs attention. Just yesterday on my way to Kirkland Lake I was passed by a very inpatient driver who got frustrated by a slow vehicle in front and attempted to pass when he should not have!! He almost caused a head one right beside me as he tried to pass two cars and almost hit an oncoming car... Luckily he cut me off and got back into his lane and we all got to drive away without incidence. Luckily we noted later on he was pulled over for speeding just before Engelhart. Being able to write these comments today is even a bigger plus as I was also able to visit my Granddaughter and my son-in-laws Family who after 5 years was able to come to Canada for Christmas... Okay getting to the selection process and if Bob is reading this my selection (as he is well aware of )for the 2-1 Hwy project would definitely be the section from Hwy 64 to Jumping Caribou. This section of road is dangerous and if you look at accident statistics the area around Lake Tonomo speaks for itself. That corner has been discussed at the HWY 11 North Team meetings on many occasions and is not safe. The number of accidents in that area are all well documented. I have noted on many occasions I know a truck driver who hauled from Iroquois Falls to North Bay 8-10 times a week for years and he is one of the safest drivers I know and he has told me on many occasions there is something wrong with that corner. Having the pilot constructed in this area will do two things first it put up a barrier to help keep people on their side of the road and second you would have the opportunity to try and make some changes to that corner. That entire stretch of road also represents a good example of the type of environment that exists along HWY 11! It may be more extreme as it relates to the amount of rock and corners but if you can make it safer as part of this pilot you could would have a good base for decisions to extend the concept or not. Not sure the other pilot site location has the same level of comparison and although would also be a good selection but not as good.

Yes 4 lanes might be the way too go but that level of investment needed will not occur in our life time so this option of a 2-1 highway has a lot of merit. Also the investment of the rest station in Marten River is also a important development in our area and we thank the MTO for getting this approved. This rest station along with the 2 for 1 Highway pilot to Jumping Caribou added to this area of highway would act as a model that could also be further assessed. The need for more rest stations along Hwy 11 is another issue we have raised and also needs to be extend all along Hwy 1. Again this would be a good model to follow to see what results occur and this will show a real commitment to Highway safety in our area,,, Thanks DAN