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We currently purchased property and reside in Temagami. After selling our place in New liskeard, we are travelling the corridor north and southbound between New liskeard and Temagami and North Bay regularly.
Every second weekend We travel Hwy 11 to North bay and return Friday, and again Sunday to Pick up my Son and Daughter.
Since 1986 I’ve lived in Marten River, at age 12 Travelled the on the school bus from Marten River to Temagami and Then for Highschool the other direction Marten River to North Bay.
I joined the Marten River /Temagami volunteer fire department in 2001 and spent that year responding “first”to the majority of hwy accidents(from south of Tilden Lake to North of “Gramps Place”, and often aiding and supporting the scene further in both Directions.
After staring out the school bus windows, countless trips visiting family in Niagara …I Turned 16 living and travelled as a new driver (Smack dab) in the in the middle of this purposed 2+1 Hwy Project and truly believe I could tell you every turn, Rock cut, passing lane, Side rd and Moose wintering area, along with calving areas and the moose we see today in 2022 I can tell you who his great great great grandpa was!
With the water so close to the Hwy in some of the worst spots I’d have to guess that the choices are limited and already decided upon for location of New passing lanes, considering an estimated cost has already been purposed.
Aside from educating and enforcing laws upon the Massive influx of New Transport Drivers,

My biggest recommendation is to…
1. Insure there is a solid concrete barrier separating North and southbound Traffic this Entire section of Hwy To reduce the innocent defensive driver and passenger deaths from head-on collisions.
2. Maintain this Hwy in the winter with the highest classification as it supports all the movement of fuel, farming, food, imports, exports and most of all our families.
3. Blast back the Rock Cuts Closest to the Hwy, and better Gaurdrailng at these locations and as well as areas the water on main lake systems nearly touches the hwys shoulders or crosses them , (Tilden lake, Marten River x3, Marion lake Pan lake, Angus lake x3 , Temagami, pike lake, Winnie and definitely the Montreal River including Bay as examples.
4. Consult with Temagami/Marten River, Fire departments /Opp/Paramedics/Mnr directly on Undestanding the Highest Moose crossing areas such as South of Tilden lake on top of the hill for 2km, and North of Tilden lake from Yellowstone to white pine rds, Each side of Bidwell lake ( in my opinion Bidwell lake rd is the highest moose population crossing in the section of this purposed 2+1 Hwy as well as north of Temagami Between North of Rib lake and south of Anima nippissing rd.
Thank You
Sincerely and Best Regards
John Blanchard