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Does the Ministry really support a reluctance to provide full-time inspection? and what potential implications could that mean to the provision of safety to the public in general especially as this is dealing with structural components and we have seem catastrophic failures in other provinces? Read more

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On page 5 the document says that monotube fabricators are "pre-approved".  Are the fabricators pre-approved or pre-qualified?

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Regarding the requirements for structural coating, would the Ministry consider allowing a Professional Engineer who has experience with structural coating and who is registered in RAQS under the Structural Coating Specialty work in place of a Level 3 coating inspector? Read more

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Association of Consulting Engineering Companies - Ontario

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On behalf of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies-Ontario (ACEC-Ontario), and its 140 member firms operating across the province, we are writing to provide the following comments on the Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO) Guidelines for the Procurement of Specialty Inspection Services Read more