Section - ACP The…

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Pen80 Products

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Section - ACP

The current RDM reads"Transition to a MASH end treatment requires the use of the 2858mm transition rail detail used to transition MGS guiderail to NCHRP Report 350 guiderail. Sentry SBGR may also be transitioned to MGS guiderail in the same manner."
It may be more appropriate for this to read that it can transition directly or by use of 2.858m transition rail detail as the transition would not be necessary to systems with posts off splice such as the MSKT or Softstop.

Section Hercules

Can it be added in the system description that transition panels to MTCB are not required for Uni-directional installations, as supported by the manufacturer, as this would help in clarifying the expectations as the current MTOD for the Hercules is not specific on this issue.

Section 5.2

Table 5-1 seems to be missing Hercules and Delta Crash Cushions. As these were added to the current SP 107S06 (April 2022), can these systems be added to the RDM table in the same manner?

Thank you and we appreciate this opportunity to provide comments for your consideration. We were excited to see the addition of 4.2.4 Thrie Beam Systems.