as a retired mto roads…

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as a retired mto roads supervisor that worked on the original building of the Thunder Bay expressway we have been concerned about the number of fatalities on that road in the last 5 years.We have proposed to deaf ears the use of newjersy barriers to separate oposing lanes of traffic thus reducing head on collisions and fatalities .Very little modification is required to instal the barriers down the present roadway.also reducing the speed limit from holder ave to past city rd on hwy 61 will also help significantly in reducing collisions as poorly timed traffic lights don't provide anywhere near the stopping distances required by speeding transports.more traffic enforcement is also needed do to the prevalence of exceeding the posed limits by at least 20kph by a significant amount of me first drivers that don't seem to care about the ramifications of poor driving habits particularly tailgating.The group of advocates for removing long haul truckers off hwy 102 don't realize or care how much more deadly the expressway will become by injecting more that 1000 trucks onto the road portion from 102 to hwy 17 or harbour expressway will become .You can't improve road safety by rerouting vehicles operated by people that obviously don't have the exspertease to operate them onto a longer route were traffic volumes are typically higher and have more road changes to get threw.THANX GED.