910.05.01.01 “when…

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“when anchorages and couplers for PT are tested in an unbonded condition”
we are not aware of any testing procedure that tests PT in a grouted condition.
- No requirement on elongation? Only on force?
“After tensioning and the initial slip required to seat the strands has occurred…” slip is proportional to load applied, so total slip won’t take place until final load is applied, regardless of the system
“Anchorages for unbonded tendons shall not cause a reduction in the total elongation of the tendon, under ultimate load, greater than 2% measured in a minimum gauge length of 3 m.”
o Unbonded tendons are out of the scope of the standard, as per 910.01
o If this statement refers to bonded tendons tested in unbonded condition (as listed above), it is not clear the sense of the comment. 2% of 3m is 6 cm!!