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01 - The definition does not include all types of metal piles. How do we ensure that all metal piles are included. For example: Helical Piles, micro piles, etc... Perhaps a more generic definition that would account for any metal pile would be more appropriate. Read more

commentaire ID


Commentant au nom de


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The structure of "if" in Section 10 is unclear. Suggest using a numbered structure, such as 10.1 / 10.2 to clarify those "ifs" falling under the same condition of Ip vs It or A>0 or A Read more

commentaire ID


Commentant au nom de

Ontario Road Builders' Association (ORBA)

État du commentaire

Please see feedback (comments, questions, and recommendations) in regards to MTO TCP Notice. No. 000-0141 on: New SSP 100S72 Payment Adjustment for Changes in the Steel Price Index. - Supporting attachments where applicable are provided. Read more