Gents, It is my professional…

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It is my professional opinion as the consultant engineer and also as the erector of the girders that the new bracing requirement is not suitable for the NU beams. It seems the idea is originated from the steel girders and now implemented for the NU girders.

Please note the current bracing method used in vast Canadian HWY projects is safe and economically reasonable.

The new bracing method is like permanent bracing not a temporarily bracing. Here are some cons and pros about the new bracing design:

- It is more secure and provides stability against the construction loads (Wind + decking + formwork)

- It will take double times for the installation of the girders.
- For the HWYs, the 15 Minutes closure per girder will drag to 35 to 40 minutes closure.
- one night job will becomes 2 night job.
- As a result i.e. 50K erection will becomes 100K
- To remove the bracing, it will cost more to remove and collect them.
- It will cost the TAX payers double!

The current bracing method being used for the past 25 years that i have been in this industry and we had never had any failure.

I am open to a teleconference meeting if you want more of my opinion.


Allen Hejazi, P.Eng.
AH Design Inc.
KCC Construction.