910.05.02.02 “Plastic for…

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“Plastic for the external post tensioning ducts shall be code letter D or E for colour and ultraviolet (UV) stabilizer according to ASTM D3350. The plastic duct shall be manufactured according to ASTM D2239 from virgin material.”
- external PT is out of the scope of the standard, as per 910.01

In order to guarantee PL2 level for precast segmental schemes, a chapter about segmental couplers is missing and should be included. Segmental couplers must guarantee PL2 protection, while allowing for misalignments in between segments

“Plastic ducts shall not be used when the specified radius of curvature of the tendon is less than 10 m.”
- minimum radius should be dependant on duct diameter + stressing force + use/no use of protective shells. For very tight radius, application of a given type of duct should be validated by testing

“ii. External ducts shall have an external diameter to wall thickness ratio of 17 or less.”
- external PT is out of the scope of the standard, as per 910.01